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Subject: JenEhr Farmers Markets Updates

  JenEhr Family Farm


 At the JenEhr Market Stand This Week



Head Lettuce

Kale(3 varieties)

Swiss Chard



Bell Peppers

Poblano Peppers

Carrots w/greens


Summer Squash



Beets w/Greens



French Breakfast Radish


Something Special

Fresh Garlic



Roasted Red Peppers

Tomato Puree

Cherry Tomatoes

Grab & Go Herbs



Whole Chickens

Chicken Breasts

Pieced for Grilling


Half Chickens Backs and Bones for Stock





Chicken Necks - perfect for pets eating raw

6837 Elder Lane

Sun Prairie, WI 53590





Farmers' Markets

Saturday, July 19th

Cool Sleeping

This past week, the cool nights have been such a pleasure for sleeping.  At least for humans.  For the tomatoes, a little too cool and even the broccoli, which loves cool weather, a few more heat units would encourage normal ripening. Since Farmer Paul and I started farming, the weather has changed - Changed from the more predictable patterns and temperatures of our youth.  Even our parents and grandparents remark on new the variability, not only within the season, but from season to season.


I prefer to call it climate change versus global warming and am amazed that the statistics show that a quarter of the U.S. population discredits the climate change and warming temperatures. And maybe it's easy to dismiss when we live so sheltered from the environment, from our air conditioned cars kept in weather protected garages to sump pumps and advanced technology roofing and siding. 



Saturday - Dane County Farmers Market                         Senior Center


Madison Capitol Square


Corner Pickney and East Washington (look left)



7AM - Noon

Art Fare 

Last week, it was beautiful art on the Capitol Square.  This week, the colors, shapes and textures are just as alluring as the Art Fair on the Square, AND you can eat the art.  Sometimes I forgot that the produce we grow at JenEhr is an edible art.  And that the talented farmers market staff are artists in how they present the ingredients for your next meal.


Added to the bountiful color and taste are green bell peppers along some big kick butt poblanos (think chile rellano).  The slender white tipped red french breakfast radishes add color and spice right beside the "crazy beautiful" heads of Farmer Paul broccoli (so famous is Farmer Paul's ability to grow broccoli that he's asked to teach other farmers how he does it).





Saturday - Westside Community Market - Madison



Corner University Ave. and Segoe Rd.DoT Parking LotMadisonSaturday7AM to 1PM 






Garlic Harvest

Garlic is a tricky one - too wet and the layers of papers surrounding the head are drenched, sticky and difficult to dry and clean.  When the weather is too dry, the layers of "paper" are thin, taking too many protective layers to clean.  This week, we hope that  Farmer Paul and the crew found perfect spot between wet and dry when it comes to garlic.  As they harvest the thousands of garlic heads planted last fall, the packshed crew is cleaning up a couple hundred heads to bring to market as fresh garlic.  This is a little juicier than the cured garlic you'll see cured this fall and the flavor is not quite as pungent.  BUT oh, so sweet and delicious.  This is the next level in garlic flavor after green garlic and scapes.




Saturday - West Allis (Milwaukee)


National Ave & 65th St.West AllisSaturday1PM to 4PM  Starting Mid May







We learned a couple years ago that picking the first green bell peppers gave us more red peppers later in the season.  It seems that the plants want those first big blocky pepper fruits gone, perhaps allowing the plant to distribute more energy to the following peppers, which seem to ripen more easily once the first fruits are gone.  Maybe like strawberries, where the "king" peppers take too much energy, energy that we'd prefer to be used for ripening and reddening the later peppers.


The good news, this week we'll bring the first of those big blocky green bell peppers.  Along with some delicious Poblano peppers (which don't usually ripen to red).  What a great opportunity to make some stuffed peppers, either for a family meal, picnic or to store in the freezer for later quick meals.


And the Poblanos - time to get out your favorite Mexican recipe and go to town.





Herby Ricotta-Poblano Tacos

Tacos de Requesón y Chile Poblano


  • 4 garlic cloves, unpeeled
  • 2fresh poblano chiles
  • 1cup ricotta cheese (the freshest you can find)
  • 4teaspoons chopped fresh herbs (such as cilantro, epazote, thyme, marjoram)
  • Salt
  • About 1/8 teaspoon black pepper, preferably freshly ground
  • 3 or 4 radishes, thinly sliced or cut into matchsticks
  • A few tablespoons chopped white onion, for garnish
  • Big, beautiful sprigs of cilantro, for garnish


On an ungreased griddle or small, heavy skillet set over medium heat, roast the garlic, turning frequently, until blackened in spots and soft to the touch, about 15 minutes. Cool, peel off  the papery skins, then finely chop.


Roast the chiles directly over a gas flame or 4 inches below a very hot broiler until blackened on all sides, about 5 minutes for open flame, about 10 minutes for broiler.  Cover with a kitchen towel and let stand 5 minutes.  Peel, pull out the stem and seed pod, then rinse briefly to remove bits of seeds and stray bits of skin. Chop the chiles into 1/4-inch bits.


In a medium-size bowl, mix together the garlic, ricotta, fresh herbs and half the chopped chiles. Taste and season with the salt and pepper. Cover and set aside.


Set up a steamer (a vegetable steamer in a large saucepan filled with 1/2 inch of water works well); heat to a boil. Wrap the tortillas in a heavy kitchen towel, lay in the steamer and cover with a tight lid. Boil 1 minute, turn off the heat and let stand without opening the steamer for 15 minutes.


Just before serving, mix the remaining half  of the chopped chiles into the ricotta (plus enough water to make it easily spoonable). One at a time, spread a generous 2 tablespoons of the ricotta filling over each of 8 hot tortillas. Sprinkle with the radishes and onion, lay on a sprig of cilantro and you're ready for some light, zesty flavors.


Advance Preparation: The filling will hold well for a couple of days in the refrigerator, but is best served at room temperature. Assemble the tacos at the last moment.


Shortcuts: You can replace the roasted poblano with well-drained canned pickled jalapeños or canned chipotle chiles en adobo.








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JenEhr Family Farm | 6837 Elder Lane | Sun Prairie | WI | 53590